Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happy Face FAIL

I decided yesterday to start OPK testing, even though it was only CD8.  Big surprise, it was negative. 

This morning, I took an OPK test and thought it was broken because as I glanced at the test, I didn't see the empty circle that I have gotten so used to seeing (sigh).  At second glance, I realized there was a happy face and could not contain my excitement.  I called the doctor, which I was planning on anyways since I have so many questions before we make a decision about IUI, and added an, "Oh, by the way, I also had a positive OPK test just now."  I tried to remain patient, but they took FOREVER to call back.  And by the way, forever is painfully longer when you are a teacher and have the summer off.  I actually went to a friend's house (the one that knows what's going on) to kill time and help her paint a spare bedroom.  While I was there I took another test and it was negative.  Boo.  An hour later the nurse called back and told me to come in for an ultrasound.  My friend excitedly volunteered to come with me, and off we went.  So, at least I had company when the nurse started the ultrasound and I realized immediately that the follicles were all too small. 

Damn OPK test. 

Damn excitement for a happy face that turned out to lead to nothing but happiness.

While I was there they drew blood for a progesterone level check, which I am sure my insurance will deem unnecessary.  Oh well.

I also learned that my "usual" nurse wasn't in today and that my doctor is on vacation.  I know I could have asked another nurse my list of 100 questions but I just wanted to talk to someone who knows me.  Or, at least, someone who I think knows me better.  "My" nurse will be in tomorrow and I hope she is prepared to be bombarded with questions!

I'm so worried about missing the surge that I hate this part more than the 2WW!!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh - so frustrating! Sorry to hear about the false positive. :(
